Fundamental Elements of Ideal Society of the Islamic Pattern of Development
Ideal society is the goal of this pattern and each school proposes the dimensions and features of this society based on its worldview, philosophical foundations and also its fundamental principles. Islam also mentions some characteristics of the ideal society regarding ontological, epistemological and anthropological principles. The aim of the present article is to describe the fundamental elements of the ideal society of Islam. To reach this goal, developmental research using qualitative method and qualitative and interpretative content analysis approach was used. Accordingly, analyzing and interpreting the verses of the Quran and narrations using the ideas of Shiite thinkers and commentators for discovering the features of the mentioned society, which is regarded as the Quran's ideal society and exemplar too, in political, social, and economic fields, were dealt with. Briefly, the finding of the present research is that the ideal society of Islam is a society in which sovereignty belongs to God the Almighty which is manifested in the government of the perfect man. Justice is central in all fields and people are accountable in it. All economic, political and social dimensions are in the path of spiritual and material perfection of man and the path towards God. As a result, ethical virtues are present in it and the society is capable of utilizing all natural resources and intangible sources for producing welfare and wealth. As a whole, such a society with such features not only creates material welfare and mental and psychological relaxation and peace, but more importantly creates the proper ground for man's material and spiritual perfection in all aspects.
Journal of Strategic Management Studies, Volume:4 Issue: 14, 2014