Application of the doctrine of responsibility to protect, in the international disaster response law (IDRL)
While in combat conditions, assistance to victims, citing the provisions of binding humanitarian law, often easily takes place, but there are no similar provisions in terms of natural disasters, and legal vacuum in this case, provides a fertile ground, for abuse of the traditional principles of sovereignty and non-intervention, in order to prevent international relief. In the meantime, international disaster response law as a new branch of public international law, is looking for log-on the basics of humanitarian assistance provided in such events, and the doctrine of the responsibility to protect, seems an appropriate field, for this purpose.
On the other hand, the international community is not reached a consensus about applicable the doctrine of the responsibility to protect in the case of disasters, and however, results of this study suggests that even on the assumption of the possibility of attainment a consensus by the international community for inclusion of this doctrine to natural disasters, will not creat a significant and effectiveness change in the international relief to the victims of such events, by itself.
On the other hand, the international community is not reached a consensus about applicable the doctrine of the responsibility to protect in the case of disasters, and however, results of this study suggests that even on the assumption of the possibility of attainment a consensus by the international community for inclusion of this doctrine to natural disasters, will not creat a significant and effectiveness change in the international relief to the victims of such events, by itself.
Public Law Studies Quarterly, Volume:46 Issue: 3, 2016
511 to 532