Contamination of Swimming Pools and Park Ponds with Free Living Amoebae in Tehran
Free-living amoebae (FLA) include various genera habitat in water sources; some FLA can lead to severe complications in high risk people. The present study aimed to isolate free living amoebae using morphological methods in recreational water sources of Tehran.
This cross sectional study was performed during 8 months in 2014. Seventy five samples from Tehran were collected and filtered. Samples were cultured in 1.5 % non-nutrient bacto-agar. Plates were then monitored for the presence of amoebae daily and positive plates were cloned. In the present study, identification was based on morphological criteria and page key. The page key is based on morphological character of free living amoebae such as trophozoites shape, pseudopodia shape, amoebae nucleus, and endo and ecto-cysts in the cystic form. These criteria could lead to identification of amoeba at the family and genus level.
Out of 75 water samples, 18 (24 %) were positive for free living amoebae. Of 40 pond waters, 13 (32.5%) were positive including Acanthamoeba, Hartmannella and Vahlkampfiids (Naegleria) and out of 35 samples 5 (14.2%) strain belonging to Acanthamoeba were identified based on morphological criteria.
According to the presence of free living amoebae in recreational water sources, it is necessary to alert swimming pools authorities and high risk people. Additionally, posting alarming signs and educating the high risk people is of utmost importance to prevent free living amoebae-related infections.