The Leadership Model of Imam Khomeini
Many theories have been proposed From Management Theorists about leadership and each of them tries to present a theory according to which the people who have the responsibility as leaders achieve great success. Without doubt, Imam Khomeini is one of the successful national leaders; he gained an international reputation and succeeded through his tremendous spiritual influence to stage a revolution and make a dramatic change in Iran. The main Problem of this paper is to expound Imam Khomeinis leadership style on a national level. The research is based on the hypothesis that Imam Khomeini is a popular leader and the features that characterize his actions are theocentrism and insight. The Method used in the research is based on (naql) transmission and (aql) intellectual reasoning. In this "qualitative" method, the analysis and interpretation of texts and documents is based on Imam Khomeinis sayings and writings and on the reminiscences narrated by others about him. Three components, namely insight, theocentrism and popularity can be inferred from the intellectual, theoretical and practical foundations of Imam Khomeini, and the conceptual relations between these components help understand the model of his leadership on a national level. According to this model, Imam Khomeini is considered to enjoy three components: insight, attitude, behavior, and instances of some behavioral manifestations are cited regarding Imams popularity as a leader.
leadership , servant , insight , theocentrism , popular
Journal of Islam and Management Research, Volume:6 Issue: 1, 2017