Evaluation of mating disruption for controlling the European vine moth, Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Lep.:Tortricidae) by two commercial products in the vineyards of Qazvin province

European grapevine moth, Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Lep.: Tortricidae), is the main pest of grapes in Iran. Several insecticide applications are necessary for the chemical control of the pest causing severe hazards for environment and human being health. Therefore, the efficiency of mating disruption, at a rate of 500 dispensers per hectare (Isonet® L dispensers, Shin Etsu, Japan), was compared with insecticide treatment (control) during 2013 in the vineyards of Qazvin province (Iran). The capture of monitoring traps and the number of infested clusters were monitored in mating disruption and control plots. The percentages of infestations in the plots with different treatments were statistically compared by General Linear Model, χ2 and binomial distribution tests. The monitoring-trap capture rate and the percentage of infested clusters in mating disruption plot were respectively 97% and 100% less than those in control plot. The percentage of infested clusters in mating disruption plot (0%) was significantly less than that in control plot (4%) where chemical insecticides were used 2 times. The percentages of infested clusters in the centre of maiting disruption plots were either significantly less than those in the centre of control plots or there was not any significant difference between them. But in some cases the percentages of infested clusters in the borders of maiting disruption plots were significantly more than that in the borders of control plots. So mating disruption was more efficient in the centre of plots than in the borders for controlling the pest damage. The much lower population density of the pest was the principal reason for the higher efficiency of mating disruption in the region.
Journal of Plant and Biotechnology, Volume:11 Issue: 3, 2017