The Combination of Molecular Aspects of Breast Cancer with Hormone Therapy

Background and Objectives
Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world that is affected by various genetics, epigenetic and many other environmental factors. Estrogen is one of the risk factors for this cancer. This factor lead to genetic alterations and the beginning and promotion of breast cancer.
Materials and Methods
In this review, we provide information using databases of NCBI, PubMed, Google Scholar, and Ovid MEDLINE, about the molecular basis of breast cancer, the effect of estrogen hormone, and estrogen receptors on cancer incidence, the use of anti-estrogens such as Tamoxifen in treatment of breast cancer and mechanisms of resistant to these drugs.
Anti-estrogens such as tamoxifen play an important role in treatment of estrogen-receptor positive breast cancers by preventing estrogen binding to its receptors in these tumors. Finding the molecular basis of breast cancer will help us to achieve effective treatment for breast cancer.
Increased estrogen and estrogen receptor highly influence the incidence of breast cancer. Tamoxifen is standard adjuvant therapy for women with ER-positive [], but there is some intrinsic or acquired resistance to endocrine treatment that require further investigations.
Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Volume:24 Issue: 1, 2017
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