The Philosophy of Mysticism in the Thought of Professor Motahhari

Knowledge of mysticism nowadays is a fundamental guide technique (approach) and is necessary for the present Islamic-revolutionary society which is creating a new Islamic civilization. Reflection on Islamic mysticism and production of the philosophy of Islamic mysticism is a result of a deep understanding and apprehension and is one of the important aspects of Professor Motahhari''s system of thought. He completely understood the importance of philosophies(of) and the necessity of producing these philosophies especially the philosophy of Islamic ethics, philosophy of Islamic religion, philosophy of Islamic history, and … and mentioned this point in his scholarly and farsighted sayings and writings including "The Main Present Duty of Howzeh Ilmiyeh". The question to be posed is: what is professor Motahhari''s insight and tendency in the philosophy of Islamic mysticism and how does he explain the meaning, bases, and mechanism of the mystical journey until reaching intuition and what is his theory [in this regard]? This writing has answered some of the above questions and has searched for the hypothesis of production of philosophy of Islamic mysticism in the writings and speeches of Professor Motahhari, either by conformity (tataboqi),inclusion (tazammoni) or attached (Iltizami) implications.