Using the PROMETHEE Method as a Constructive Approach in Regional Decision-Making and Planning, Case Study: The Small Towns of Jouybar
Today, in urban system with Service dense centralization, Facilities and infrastructures in the big populated cities and dominance of large cities in an region, has been occurrence cause polarized urban system in each of the country's urban zones. this phenomenon of Inharmonious, preserved his advantages and governance on the middle and small cities and so create many problem underhand these towns and their rural hinterland. now in order to solve the problem and exit from the crisis, urgent need for planning at all levels cities, especially small towns. because this group of the town since the, they have the role of linkages and linkage between rural and middle town and then big cities, can be provide level of service for them, provided context up to this group of towns get of the performance and power necessary for services residents of influence area that in provided necessary context for to prevent unwanted movement, control and stabilize population. therefore, the population of until yesterday must to spend a lot of time and costs in the other city for buy their need, now they can spend lesser time and cost buy their need in the small town. also this event will help Up to addition reduce intensity of population movements to the big and middle cities, over time this group of small town will have greater functional strength and will act as a center of attraction spheres of influence population. eventually, this pattern help to the balanced in urban system at the regional level and definitely will decrease if the population difference and a large gap between the big city, middle and small town. In order to pursue and the realization of this important in this study, analysis amount the role of jouybar city among the major city and important and effective Mazandaran province in the spatial and locative distribution of population and influence spread, to analysis population and size cities, analysis regional resources, spatial analysis of regional communications, analysis accesses and also analysis performance gap and the other functional analysis have been discussed. What won over all the graces of this paper gives a new method of implementing the Regional Studies in Iran.
Methodology In this paper, the software Promethee Area for analysis and works with data and indicators to be employed. By examining the four areas studied in this research was collected from all the cities of the province, Results of analytical methods and Promethee Fuzzy reflecting the large inequality in terms of entitlement to facilities, infrastructure and services. As big cities of the province have the highest services and go towards the smaller cities of the Midwest group having reduced the rate of decline will take. As part of the (economic, cultural, physical and infrastructural) city of Surrey, above all, the city is located. Middle and small towns that were seen in each of these cities have to have two of the four indices are relative and other parameters to zero or negative benefit. The results of the detailed manner in this study is shown. the results of the analysis findings indicate that the four first county: sari, amol, babol and ghaemshar keep its position as the top four cities in the urban system structure the province of mazandaran in the past decade. analysis result of Lorenz model and Gini coefficient for the periods 1375, 1385 and 1390 showed the presence of inequality of development. also as regards impact the spatialy - locative result of Fuzzy VIKOR model showed that sari county is in the first place, ghaemshar is in second place, babolsar is in the third place and joubar county was the last. the analytical results of original indicators (cultural, physical, economic and infrastructure) affecting on the functioning of county province, that was used PROMETHEE software show that, babolsar only physical indicators is in good condition, but in cultural and infrastructural indicators there is not appropriate facilities. particularly in the economic sector there is the lowest having compared to other three indicators. however this county compared to sari and ghaemshar at located lower in conditions but is richer than to jouybar. but also jouybar county economic indicator is in good condition, but other three indicator, all of them proportionally is in lowest condition and in general has the lowest resources compared to other three county.
Results and Discussion sari county in four of indicators ( cultural, economic, physically and infrastructure) has a good condition compared to other three county. ultimately ghaemshahr county though have facilities relatively adequate in the cultural sector and development but have not suitable condition in terms of economic and physical factors. however this county is lowerdan from sari and higherdan of babolsar and jouybar. analysis of the questionnaire results from the perspective of citizens show that can be held accountable most of residents ana citizen needs. however, in some cases there is a significant shortage that they should be attention more than before. also output results questionnaire analysis of the rural groups shows that jouybar county is able very effectively and efficient act in the their rural sphere of influence. the main results include is rural areas sphere of influence of the jouybar county for fulfilling their needs in the areas of teaching, service, administration, banking, agriculture, and etc in the most cases, they have interact with jouybar county. this important represents a powerful and positive role that is this county in the their sphere of influence is exhibited. however, findings of analytical shows thatv in the jouybar county during past decades from the percentage amount of employment in agricultural sector has declined and the percentage amount of service jobs was added and this suggests that this county the changing of roles, particularly in the agricultural sector and receptive getting new roles in the service. In fact, jouybar county has a growing and development and attract more population from rural sphere of influence and is increasing of offering Services to them. the changing role from the agriculture to services is evidence for functional development.
Methodology In this paper, the software Promethee Area for analysis and works with data and indicators to be employed. By examining the four areas studied in this research was collected from all the cities of the province, Results of analytical methods and Promethee Fuzzy reflecting the large inequality in terms of entitlement to facilities, infrastructure and services. As big cities of the province have the highest services and go towards the smaller cities of the Midwest group having reduced the rate of decline will take. As part of the (economic, cultural, physical and infrastructural) city of Surrey, above all, the city is located. Middle and small towns that were seen in each of these cities have to have two of the four indices are relative and other parameters to zero or negative benefit. The results of the detailed manner in this study is shown. the results of the analysis findings indicate that the four first county: sari, amol, babol and ghaemshar keep its position as the top four cities in the urban system structure the province of mazandaran in the past decade. analysis result of Lorenz model and Gini coefficient for the periods 1375, 1385 and 1390 showed the presence of inequality of development. also as regards impact the spatialy - locative result of Fuzzy VIKOR model showed that sari county is in the first place, ghaemshar is in second place, babolsar is in the third place and joubar county was the last. the analytical results of original indicators (cultural, physical, economic and infrastructure) affecting on the functioning of county province, that was used PROMETHEE software show that, babolsar only physical indicators is in good condition, but in cultural and infrastructural indicators there is not appropriate facilities. particularly in the economic sector there is the lowest having compared to other three indicators. however this county compared to sari and ghaemshar at located lower in conditions but is richer than to jouybar. but also jouybar county economic indicator is in good condition, but other three indicator, all of them proportionally is in lowest condition and in general has the lowest resources compared to other three county.
Results and Discussion sari county in four of indicators ( cultural, economic, physically and infrastructure) has a good condition compared to other three county. ultimately ghaemshahr county though have facilities relatively adequate in the cultural sector and development but have not suitable condition in terms of economic and physical factors. however this county is lowerdan from sari and higherdan of babolsar and jouybar. analysis of the questionnaire results from the perspective of citizens show that can be held accountable most of residents ana citizen needs. however, in some cases there is a significant shortage that they should be attention more than before. also output results questionnaire analysis of the rural groups shows that jouybar county is able very effectively and efficient act in the their rural sphere of influence. the main results include is rural areas sphere of influence of the jouybar county for fulfilling their needs in the areas of teaching, service, administration, banking, agriculture, and etc in the most cases, they have interact with jouybar county. this important represents a powerful and positive role that is this county in the their sphere of influence is exhibited. however, findings of analytical shows thatv in the jouybar county during past decades from the percentage amount of employment in agricultural sector has declined and the percentage amount of service jobs was added and this suggests that this county the changing of roles, particularly in the agricultural sector and receptive getting new roles in the service. In fact, jouybar county has a growing and development and attract more population from rural sphere of influence and is increasing of offering Services to them. the changing role from the agriculture to services is evidence for functional development.
Human Geography Research Quarterly, Volume:49 Issue: 100, 2017
391 to 410
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