Spiritual education in the Animation "How to Train your Dragon?"
Nowadays, animations play an important role in childrens upbringing. Every animation has its own different world view which is based on the philosophy and culture of the artists and their societies. How to Train Your Dragon is an animation which has emphasis on an especial way of educating children both in its title and its content. This movie criticize the old traditions on account of having obscure metaphysical roots which are not really more than a form of will to power. Instead it idolizes an education system based on the pleasure principle and the possibility of a structure that provides publicity and equality in it. Such a world view with deficiency in establishing a structure of knowledge, would evacuate life from meaning and destroy the passion for living. Naturally such an education, although having some pros on the details, would be a disaster to a metaphysical world view too.
Motaleat-E-Manavi Journal, Volume:3 Issue: 11, 2014