Water-Balance and Agro-climatic Analysis in Shiraz Region,By Thornthwaite's methods
Drought is a random characteristic of natural phenomena, brought about by the irregulardeficit or shortage of available water, affects injuriously the plant growth and reduces their yield. Drought does not begin when rain ceases but rather only when plant roots can no longer obtain soil moisture in needed amounts. To estimate the intensity and the frequency of droughts will help to reduce the injurious effect of drought. In this Study we used the water-budget methods and Thornthwaite's aridity index and its standard deviation for Shiraz during 88<8-9228to show the frequency and the intensity of drought effects in this place. During this period this station is faced :<times different type of droughts on that five time severe and from the years of 9222its severity and intensity is increased. We also find out that every ten year this station will affect :times severe type of drought. The most severe drought was the years 9228,and it was repeated lower intensity in the year of 9221.