Effects of degree of hydrolysis on functional properties and antioxidants activity of hydrolysate from head and frame of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fish
The purpose of current study was to determine the effects of degree of hydrolysis (DH) on functional properties and antioxidants activity of hydrolysate from head and frame of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fish. For this purpose, the head and frame of common carp was hydrolyzed by application of Neutrase Enzyme (0.8 L) during one, two and three hours. Accordingly, three types of hydrolysates with different degree of hydrolysis were obtained as 10.43 ± 2.32% (protein 1), 17.09 ± 1.71% (protein 2) and 21.45 ± 1.04% (protein 3). In this study, most of proteins properties were affected by the degree of hydrolysis, significantly. Apart from pH 2, as the DH was increased, the protein solubility was increased also, (p0.05). Chelating activity showed a direct relationship with the degree of hydrolysis and the highest one as 92.06 ± 2.92% was recorded for protein 3 (p
Food Science and Technology, Volume:14 Issue: 7, 2017
113 to 124