From Suhrawardian «light with different degrees of intensity» to Sadrian «degrees of intensity of existence»

Suhrawardi, despite the Peripatetics, hold that there is a kind of category, namely, “degrees of intensity”, and he says it is a part of ancient Persian wisdom. From Illuminationist philosophy viewpoint, there are degrees of intensity of lights, which it distinguishes between different kinds of lights. This kind of differentiation is build on the very same criterion that is their criterion for their resemblance. Sadrian “degrees of intensity” have derived from Suhrawardian “degrees of intensity” of lights. Although, Mulla Sadra, following Suhrawardi’s footprints, maintain that “degrees of intensity” in quiddities is possible, but finally, he rejects this theory and hold that “degrees of intensity”, in first place, is attributed to reality. Although philosophical position of these two philosophers about “degrees of intensity” are different and each of them have its own grounds and roots, but they reflect a kind of closeness.
نشریه اسفار, Volume:3 Issue: 5, 2017