Numerical Study of the Effect of the Bed Slope Change of Circular Channel on Supercritical Flow Along the Side Weir

Side weirs are of main hydraulic structures which are widely used in flow diversion systems and drainage networks. Also, circular channels are used as the main channel for flow transmission in sewage disposal systems and irrigation networks. In this study, pattern and field of the passing flow within circular channel along the side weir under supercritical flow regime was simulated using FLOW-3D software. Also, the flow field turbulence and variations of the free surface have been simulated using RNG k-e turbulence model and VOF scheme, respectively. Comparing numerical simulations with experimental results showed the reasonable accuracy of numerical model. In practice, transport channels used in irrigation networks and urban sewage disposal are steep. Therefore, the effect of bed slope variations on the hydraulic characteristics of flow field along the side weir was investigated. By increasing the main channel bed slope the free surface of flow along the side weir was decreased. According to simulation results, by increasing the circular channel bed slope the specific energy was increased.
Journal of Soil and Plant Science, Volume:27 Issue: 3, 2017
53 to 64