Contrast of Imprisonment Substitution with Receipt Code in Iranian Criminal Law
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Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
By regarding inefficiency of specially short time imprisonment in prisoners rehabilitation, at first access some of government revenue Act approved 1373 and then imprisonment substitution has been foresighted in Islamic criminal law approved 1392, but it does not mean to delete short time imprisonment from Iranian Penal Code because with according to Islamic criminal law in section 67 and second part of 68, by regard to meaning "can ",the judge has authority at issuing imprisonment less than 91 days or to apply imprisonment substitution, in this case, it is binding to stabilized condition section 64 Islamic criminal law as like pardon by the complainant, by this regarding the application of judgement of surface unitary of Iranian supreme court NO. 746 issued 1394 in the case of 68 Islamic Penal Code is criticized. The excluding the mentioned exceptions, Judge is bound to issue the substitution exchanging imprisonment in willfully crimes that it has punishment less than 6 month imprisonment at law or unwilling crimes that the legal punishment has less than 2 years imprisonment without it is necessary to stabilize condition of section 64 Islamic criminal law that it leads on abrogation in clause of 1and 2 section 3 of Receipt Code.
Legal Studies, Volume:9 Issue: 3, 2017
129 to 156