The Role of Rationality in the Ashura Episode
Rationality played a significant role throughout the Ashura episode of Imam al-Husayn's movement, as reflected in his words and deeds. Rationality determines that the best method and/or noblest modus operandi should be utilized for reaching a certain, high goal. This is evident in Imam al-Husayn's famous letters to his step-brother Muhammad al-Hanafiyah, his letters to the inhabitants of al-Basrah and al-Kufah, and in his mode of confrontation with and against the army of al-Hurr. There are several aspects in the rational nature of his policies, e.g., his insistence on the principal aims of his movement, implementation of justice, and inviting people to do the good and keeping away from committing the detestable. To do this, his letters were imbued with references to the Holy Quran and tge speeches of the Prophet Muhammad. Also, it is evident that Imam al-Husayn's rationality focused on discharging one's religious duties. The present paper deals with the effects of rationality under five categories: result, duty, aims, methods, and means, all of which led to the behavioral aspects of rationality.
journal of Husayni Research studies, Volume:2 Issue: 8, 2018
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