The role of renunciation in Islamic training, concentraining Alavi and prophetic method

Renunciation is one of the issues. Important in training people. That is to say overlooking one’s mistakes, man gives the opportunity to him to return and correct himself. Now it is the question: who is the role of renunciation in training others? And what is the prophet’s and his family’s life style in this regard?
In this article, a descriptive and analytic method, a library method as well as a sampling method is used and concludes that overlooking method is useful in training other peoples and help the man to save himself in dangerous conditions. The prophet and his family also have practiced renunciation. Because although some people insulted the prophet (pbuh) and his family, they respected them apparently and they overlooked their impolite behaviors. And this method was useful in their correction and training. That is, the renunciation method helps the people to find the opportunity for penitence, causes munificence, hinders contumacy, attracts prophet’s family, etc. so the student’s parents can use this method. ”
Ethical Research, Volume:8 Issue: 1, 2018