A Survey on Reasons of Tendency towards Energetic Substances among High School Students of Khorramabbad in 2013

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
This study aimed to determine the epidemiology of energetic substances as well as the knowledge of the students in this regard and effective and effective factors on tendency to abuse the substances. Theoretical frame work in this study included Merton’s theory of strain and discriminative association of Sutherland. A survey method of research was used in this study. The applied instrument was a hand-made questionnaire. Statistical community encompassed all high school students of Khorram Abad. Among the community 135 students who abused the substances were selected via a snowball sampling method. Dependent variable in this study was energetic substance abuse which its relationship with socio-economic status, anomie, social isolation feeling, and relative deprivation, interaction with abuser friends, and gender as independent variables was assessed. The collected data analyzed with applying descriptive, as well as inferential statistics such as variance analysis, regression, chi square, factor analysis and correlation coefficient. Findings showed 13.369 and 4.26 percentage epidemic of the problem among male and female students respectively. There was also a significant, direct relationship between socio-economic status, Anomie, social isolation feeling, relative deprivation, interaction with abuser friends and gender.
Journal of Social Development, Volume:7 Issue: 4, 2013
7 to 22