Providing Optimal Model for Evaluating and Selecting Contractors in Construction Industry from the Perspective of Health and Safety and Environment
According to assignment of most activities to contractingcompaniesandneglectingstrictenforcementof safety, health, and environment in companie's contractions, ratesofrelatedindexesoccupationalaccidentshavebeen growing disturbingly, and thus increasing the importance of evaluating health, safety, and environment (HSE)performanceofbuildingindustrycontractors. The mainpurposeofthisstudyistoprovideanoptimumpattern for evaluation and selection of construction industry contractors by HSE view. This research determines the main and secondary criteria which aected evaluating and selecting contractors by quantitative studies and special questionnaires and surveying perceptions. Sample size of 95% condence level and margin of error of 5 percent by 252 peoples, including 4 Group executives and managers, employers, contracting companies and experts in health, safety and the environment were determined by the employer and contractor. KMO and Bartlett's test and conrmatory functional analysis (CFA) were used as testing methods. Validity of this questionnaire was obtained as 0.863 by Cranach's Alpha coecientandreliabilityofquestionnairewasconrmed. This article tries to determine intensity of these criteria in patterns of a model. Results show that human resources criteria are with the most eectiveness and planning criteria are of little eect. Suggested pattern can fulll a continuous increase to a comprehensive pattern for evaluation and selection contractors. According to the proposed model, organizations can simply evaluate theircontractorsintermsofHSEperformance. Contractors can also use this model to assess and identify their own weaknesses in the eld of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) of the model, which in turn "reduces accidents and improves awareness of contractors in the eld of HSE Management System, and so, Standards HSE will be the scope of its activities.