Educational Methodology of the immaculate
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
The immaculate Imams, who have invited human beings towards God and have guided them on the way this satisfachion, have dealt with recognizing the educational methods and presenting them based on the doctrim of monothesim and Gods inspiration. Clearly, after recognizing the educational matters, the most important educational activity is recognizing the appropriate educational methods. Recognizing the methodology of the immaculate Imams (peace upon them) and applying them could extensively lead human beings towards salvation and approach to God. So in this paper, it has been attempted to present and explain the educational methodology of the immaculate Imams (peace uponthem) through a survey around the following :The meaning of the method, The necessity and importance of recognizing the methods, how the methods have developed and the way and criteria for identifying them, the characteristics of the educational methodology, the valuable status of methods and methodology in education, the nature of methods, the role of human being in recognizing the methods, types of methods, summing up and conclusion, suggestions and educational requirements.
Education Journal, Volume:14 Issue: 3, 2007
1 to 26
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