The Quality Review of the Enactments of the Islamic Consultative Assembly in the Precedent of the Guardian Council

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
Principally the guardian of the Constitution protects the Constitution by means of reviewing the Constitutionality of the Enactments of the Islamic Consultative Assembly as the traditional task of this entity. Nevertheless, examining the practical precedents indicate that both the Constitutional Council of France and the Guardian Council of Iran have in some cases gone beyond the scope of this inherent task by reviewing the quality of the acts. According to this, the main research question is that how and by what criteria the Guardian Council reviews the quality of the acts? This article through a descriptive-analytic method indicates that this entity while examining the enactments of the Islamic Consultative Assembly based on the Islamic criteria and the Articles of the Constitution, has in some cases reviewed these enactments based on normativity, transparency, stability, enforceability, justiciabilty, coherence, and etc. The result of this research is that despite the presence of signs of the quality review approach by the Guardian Council, there is still no comprehensive analysis regarding the above theories and therefore, it seems that the precedent of the organ of Constitutional review in the Islamic Republic of Iran should provide the qualitative standards in this regard.
Journal of Public Law knowledge, Volume:6 Issue: 2, 2018
1 to 22  
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