Sequence Chronology Evaluation of the Neolithic Period at Fars on the Basis of Hormangan Site
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
The number of Neolithic sites in Fars greatly increases in the pottery Neolithic period. How this pattern indicates the high capability of pottery Neolithic period of Fars is not clear yet. Even though a definite path to the growth of indices of Neolithic settlement patterns in Fars during the seventh and sixth millennium B.C. has been recommended which may indeed be true, for this period we cannot solely rely on Kur river basin and its other adjacent regions, rather the settlements which are also located in the valleys between mountains in Fars as well, even though most of the known pottery Neolithic sites are located in Kur river basin. Until now most of the analysis and research performed in the Fars Neolithic period had been focused on Kur river basin and Marvdasht plain in particular. Considering the fact that Fars has a variety of plains and valleys with different environmental features, in order to present a more comprehensive analysis for the Neolithic period of Fars, more surveys and research on the other regions are required. In light of the previous surveys and excavations, it seems that the Neolithic cultures of southern Fars have been different, therefore regions similar to Fasa, Darab or the southern basin of Qareagaj river have had a different pottery culture from Kur river basin and northern Fars. In this article, cultures from the northern half of Fars which have similarities with Kur river basin shall be discussed. Considering the existing problems in Fars cultural zone, Bavnat river went under survey, during which the Hormangan site was discovered and afterward excavated. The excavation in the above-mentioned site was important for several reasons, first because a site outside of Marvdasht plain was going to be excavated, second, this site was located in Fars altitude with a nearly cold weather and with an altitude of 2360 m, which made it the highest Fars Neolithic site in terms of elevation. Third, Hormangans simultaneity with Mushki period is a great assistance for the two points of this periods chronology and livelihood economy in Mushki period. In this work, the existing challenges within the chronology of Fars Neolithic period shall be presented after which an introduction and a presentation of the results from Hormangan excavation and also an absolute chronology of the site is discussed. Finally using a relative comparison between cultural material and absolute chronology from Neolithic sites, Fars chronology is evaluated. In the following article, the goal is to began with absolute chronology of the site and other Neolithic sites located in the northern half of Fars and also, a comparison of cultural materials and understanding cultural characteristics to reach a better understanding regarding the neolithic zone of Fars region. In order to date the Hormangan site, 8 charcoal, and animal bone samples were sent to the University of Tokyo laboratory where the results showed that the zone had been used for settlement from 6373 B.C. which lasted up to 5950 B.C. Taking into account the similarities of Bashi materials with Hormangan, Rahmat Abad, and Mushki regions and the absolute chronology of these regions, consideration of Bashi phase does not seem logical, therefore by comparing the cultural materials and absolute chronology done in other regions, a sequence chronology including Rahmat Abad (75007000 B.C), formative Mushki (70006400 B.C), Mushki (64006000 B.C), Jari (60005600 B.C) and Shams Abad (56005200 B.C) for the neolithic period of Fars can be presented.
Journal of Research on Archaeometry, Volume:3 Issue: 2, 2018
15 to 29
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