Prediction of the dry matter production and leaf area in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) under different planting dates and densities
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
To analyze the growth, it is necessary to access to accurate and well-arranged data obtained from measuring leaf area and dry matter accumulation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate different nonlinear regression models to study the trend of changes in leaf area index and dry matter production and to estimate the parameters related to the growth analysis. The experiment was conducted on faba bean "cv. Barakat" with a split-plot design in a randomized complete block design with three planting dates and four densities in four replications. In this study, the beta and logistic models were fitted to the leaf surface data and the beta, Gompertz and logistic models to dry matter production. AICc benchmark showed that the beta model was fitted to the leaf surface data the better than the logistic model. LAImax in different densities varied between 2.3 to 5.3, tm between 131.9 and 144.2, and te between 158.7 and 163.5 day after planting. AICc benchmark showed that the beta model was fitted to the dry matter accumulation data the better than the Gompertz and logistic models. Wmax in different densities varied between 725.1 and 1484.3 gr/m2, tm between 138.3 and 146.4 and te between 162.60 and 179.0 days after planting. Grain yield varied from 231 to 2744 gr/m2, and with increasing density in each planting date, grain yield showed the increased trend. The results showed that yield changes were directly affected by maximum leaf area index, maximum dry matter accumulation and crop growth rate.
Journal of Crop Improvment, Volume:20 Issue: 1, 2018
283 to 298
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