A Comparative Study between European and Iranian Laws of Service Contracts

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
In recent years, the European Union based on the law of its members has drafted two groups of articles about contract of services. These two instruments are principles of European law on service contracts and CFR. With regard to the similarity of the systems of contract law in Iran and Europe, the subject of this research is a comparative review of the obligations of parties in service contracts in European and Iranian Laws. This study evaluates the achievements of the European law based on the Islamic and Iranian laws and States regulations of which could be accepted in Iranian law. It has been concluded that, similar to European law, we could accept obligations such as: conformity, obligation of skill and care, duty to inform and notice, payment (even if it is not specified in the contract) and the obligation to cooperate.
Comparative Law Review, Volume:9 Issue: 1, 2018
97 to 122
مقالات دیگری از این نویسنده (گان)