Analyzing the Licensing System of Theater in Administrative Law of Iran

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
Government supervises and interfereswith Theater on two forms including: Licensing System and persuit System. In the first method, the government shall issue license for creating and publishing artistic works and in this method, the right to freedom of artistic expression is limited. However, in the second method, there is fundamental principle of freedom and upon creating and publishing artistic work only in case of violation of laws and regulations, the government may take duly action and there is no requirement for issuing license before producing or publishing artistic works. Thus, the first method is anti-freedom and the second method is agreed with freedom. The present article attempts to examine this issue in relation to Theater in iranand it is concluded that, the statute law was based on licensing system. Moreover, finding out problems and formalities of aforesaid system refers to following weakness including: 1) Governmental structure of boards of theater and negligence for related associations, especially, Iranian theater forum. 2) No obligation boards of theaterin presentation of evidencefor reject plays and issuing license.3) silence of regulation about period ofvalidity of the License and referse it todecision ofboards of theater.4) Limitation in revision of decisions made by boards of theater in supreme council, governmental structure of it andsilence of regulation about procedure of issuing license.
Administrative Law, Volume:6 Issue: 16, 2018
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