Modesty and Conduct; What Makes of True Shi'a
After praising true Shiites and real believers for their khazm-e Ghaiz and controlling their anger Amir al-Mu'minan Ali (pbuh), in his great sermon, points to some of their other features and signs such as: having good temper, being nice to neighbors, being easy to get along with, having no conceit or arrogance, being clearly patient, and constantly remembering Allah and mentioning the name of Him. Anger is rooted in arrogance and conceitedness. Basically, many moral vices have their roots in conceit and arrogance. Moreover, in some narratives, arrogance, greed and envy are introduced as the roots of unfaith and human’s destruction. As Imam Hassan says: "The destruction of people lies in three things: arrogance, greed and envy. Arrogance is the cause of the destruction of religion, and Satan was cursed because of it. Greed is the enemy of the soul, and Adam was removed from Paradise as the result of greed. Envy is the leader of badness, and Cain killed Abel because of envying him ". This paper discusses in detail the issue of modesty and good conduct as two features of real Shi'a.
modesty , good conduct , arrogance , conceit , humility
Marifat Magazine, Volume:27 Issue: 10, 2019
5 to 12