The Effect of the Role of Product Category in Attribute-based versus End-benefit Oriented Emotional Advertising
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
The main purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of the role of product category in attribute-based versus end-benefit oriented emotional advertising. In this research, by using the experimental method, the conceptual framework of this issue and also the effect of each independent variables including advertising appeal, product type, presentation format and involvement level on dependent variables like brand attitude and advertising attitude are discussed. In this study, by the use of the experimental method, advertising pictures that are about factorial designs of 2*2*2*2 (Hedonic-Utilitarian), (High involvement-Low involvement), (Pictorial-Verbal), (Emotional-Non-emotional) were distributed to 400 students. The findings indicated that emotional appeal in advertisements increases the brand attitude and also the advertising effect. Emotional advertising appeal for a low-involvement and hedonic product increases the brand attitude and advertising effect. Also we came to the conclusion that when an advertisement is emotional, the brand attitude in low-involvement products with the pictorial presentation is better than verbal. And for high-involvement products, the verbal presentation is better that pictorial.
New Marketing Research Journal, Volume:8 Issue: 3, 2018
99 to 118