Mapping Scientific Outputs of Public Libraries Using Co-word Network Analysis
To draw a scientific map and make a cluster analysis of published articles relating to the field of public libraries using the documents indexed on Web of Science.
This research is an applied study using co-word analysis method. The statistical population consists of all articles relating to "public libraries" which have been indexed on the Web of Science, and numbered 1164. Data analysis was performed using three software programs of BibExcel, VosVeiwer and NetDraw.
Data analysis showed that the key words of "Public Libraries- University Libraries", "Internet- Public Libraries", and "Library Services- Public Libraries" were the most frequent key words among the studied texts. Moreover, cluster analysis of keywords showed that 11 key clusters were generated from the keywords in question, and "Social Issues", "Social Media", "Information Storage And Retrieval Technologies", "Health Information", "Books and Related Issues", "Library Policies", "Resource Sharing", "Social Interactions of Libraries", "Relationships with Other Types of Libraries", "Development and Censorship in the set", And "Management" were the most important tendencies of researchers in the field of public libraries at the international level.
The evolving nature of information sources and the changing needs of the audience as well as social issues and challenges affect the content of research in the field of public libraries. In the present research, these changes were observed while studying the literature during three ten-year periods. Of the most significant findings of this research is that the emphasis of public libraries studies has shifted onto the topic of information behavior of patrons and thence onto social issues. It seems that these shifts have not only been environmental effects but also attempts to realize the global mission of public libraries, i.e. customer orientation. Furthermore, since no similar study has been conducted in this area thus far, the findings of this research can help understand a clear picture of these changes and developments in the field of public libraries.Keywords:
Research on Information Scienc & Public Libraries, Volume:24 Issue: 95, 2019
545 to 568
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