Carpet as a symbol; The Investigation of the consumption of hand-woven carpet in European countries from middle ages to 18th century
The hand-woven carpet because of the capacity of having the artistic, economic and conceptual aspects during the history, has found different functions besides its own consumable function. In Travelogues and historiographies was mentioned about the very splendor and luxury carpets that describing the glorious palaces. It indicates carpets gradually obtained a value more than consuming value. This research was conducted using the descriptive and analytical approach, based on library and documents data, with visual investigation on paintings from 15th to 18th centuries to finding the shape of the usage of carpets. Because that was not possible to investigate all European countries, it was emphasized on most important samples in terms of economy, commercial and artistic status. It seems by the spread of conspicuous consumption among high class people and afterwards among middle class families, arose a kind of symbolic value for hand- woven carpets. The research shows in capitalism and consumerism societies, carpets were a symbol of wealth and self-glorification for their owners. As during the 16 century and afterwards, their the consumable value as the floor covering,