Effects of Long-Term Starvation on Structure of Liver and Intestine Tissue in Siberian Sturgeon, Acipenser baeri
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
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Many fish tolerate natural fasting periods throughout the year, the winter, during reproductive migration, or when they endure a reduction in food in the living environment. In this study effect of long-term starvation periods on liver and intestine structure of Siberian sturgeon, Acipenser baeri, with an initial body weight of 56±0.54 g was carried out for 5 weeks.
Materials and Methods
After adaptation for 2 weeks to experimental conditions, 225 experimental fish were randomly distributed in nine 500L fiberglass tanks. The fish were exposed to 3 different feeding regimes; Control (fed four times daily); T1 (2 weeks starvation) and T2 (3 weeks starvation). At the end of the experiment, to investigate the changes of liver and intestine structure, 6 fish specimens from each treatment was randomly selected and fixed into Bouin solution for histological examination. Then, the samples were placed in Paraffin and 7 µm microscopic slides were prepared using standard histological methods and after coloration were investigated under light microscope.
Digestivo and hepato somatic indices (DSI and HSI) and length of villi in the control group were significantly higher (P< 0.05) than the fish starved for 2 and 3 weeks. Length of enterocytes did not show any significant variation among experimental treatments (P> 0.05). The results of microscopy investigations indicated that most pathological signs such as hyperemia, necrosis, fatty degeneration and bile stagnation in the liver of Siberian sturgeon in the deprived fish were observed when compared to the control fish. However, hyperemia, fatty degeneration and bile stagnation in the deprived fish for 2 weeks were lower than that of the deprived fish for 3 weeks, but not significantly.
Overall, the results showed that long-term starvation period on liver and intestine structure of Siberian sturgeon, Acipenser baeri, can be effective by utilizing reserves of these tissues.Keywords:
Journal of Plasma and Biomarkers, Volume:12 Issue: 2, 2019
73 to 83
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