Starch and Sugar Content of Some Selected Potato Varieties as Influenced by Vermicompost
The experiment was implemented at Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Bangladesh to assess the effect of variety and vermicompost on the starch and sugar content activity of potato and their performance under ambient storage condition. The experiment consisted of two factors, i.e., factor A:- Potato varieties (V-4): V1: BARI TPS-1, V2: BARI Alu-28 (Lady Rosetta),V3: BARI Alu-25 (Asterix) and V4: BARI Alu-29 (Courage); factor B:-Vermicompost level (M-4): M1: 0 t ha-1 (Control), M2: 2 t ha-1, M3: 4 t ha-1 and M4: 6 t ha-1. Inferior quality is a major problem for potato production in Bangladesh. The application of vermicompost may enhance the processing quality of potato. The research revealed that vermicompost had a remarkable effect on most of the processing quality contributing parameters. Results also exhibited those processing parameters improved with increasing vermicompost level. Among the sixteen treatment combinations, Asterix with vermicompost at 6 t ha-1 showed the highest glucose, sucrose content. These two combinations also showed a little bit higher concentration of glucose and sucrose compared to those of other combinations. In case of ambient storage condition; starch decreased with increasing storing period while total soluble solids, glucose and sucrose increased with increasing duration up to 60 days after storage (DAS). Lady Rosetta and Asterix may keep under ambient storage condition up to 60 days after storage without decreasing any significant quality degradation just prior to tuber sprouting. The potato growers of Bangladesh may use Vermicompost on their potato field @ 6 t ha-1 for maintaining preferable good processing standard.