Mask as Puppet in Anceint Greece Theare based on Jurkowski’s Defenition of origin and nature of Puppet
Henryk Jurkowski is one of the great polish theoretician of 21 century for Puppet Theatre in the world who has distinction and more perfect theory and detention about Puppet History and Puppet itself rather than other theoreticians in this field. Based on his theory, Puppet had originated from human imagination which formed for representing divinity and dominating over natural and supernatural powers and has ritual origin. Through passing time, Puppet appear in different forms and till today was classified in various kinds. As Mask has also ritual origin and similar function with Puppet among primitive humans and like Puppet has object- kind nature, then Mask can be placed the subset (sub genre) of Puppet based on Jurkowski’s detention. As in ancient Greece Masks served as different roles as Puppet , it can be also observed Puppetry elements in Greece ancient Theatre. In this research it has been tried to study theories about history and nature of Puppet by searching books and essays at first and then propose Jurkowski’s detention of Puppet nature and his theory about its origin which by comparing this two ideas, it will be answered to the questions of reseach.
Theater, Volume:5 Issue: 72, 2019
131 to 151