Impact of HPFRCC layer on precast panels in flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams Impact of HPFRCC layer on precast panels in flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
In recent decades, use of high-performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composite (HPFRCC) which has improved the performance of reinforced concrete structures and the seismic resistance and rehabilitation of their members, has been expanded. HPFRCC material under tensile loading shows strain-hardening behavior and tolerates exerted tension till it reaches to relatively high strain so that increases tensile strength and energy absorption of the structure. In this paper, the behavior of reinforced concrete beams with HPFRCC panels has been analysed. For this purpose, after verifying the samples with experimental results, reinforced concrete beams, reinforced concrete beam with a HPFRCC layer as an alternative to concrete, and samples of panels with thickness of 20, 40 and 60 mm that have been patched under the beam has been modeled by the Abaqus software and the impact of using HPFRCC material on the ductility and energy absorption of the beams has been investigated. The results showed that using of the HPFRCC panel has increased the ductility of the beam, compared to the concrete beam, by an average of 36% and compared to the concrete beam reinforced by HPFRCC as an alternative layer, by 15.55%. The amount of energy absorption of the beam which had patched panel has been increased by 39% in comparison with a beam which had a layer of HPFRCC material.
Journal of Concrete Structure and Materials, Volume:4 Issue: 1, 2019
5 to 19
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