The Impact of China's Empowerment on Relations and Rivalry with the United States
Some theorists believe that with continued growth in China's power, its security rivalry with the United States of America will inevitably increase, with potential for war between them. Theorists argue that by further empowerment of China and the erosion of the global power and position of the United States, China will try to use its growing influence to re-establish the rules, orders and institutions of the international system in order to secure the benefits of this. It will benefit the country and will make other states, especially the United States, consider China a serious security threat. As a result, global politics will see tension, distrust, and permanent conflict between established and emerging powers for the management of the international system. In this regard, the present study seeks to examine the impact of China's increased power on Asia's supreme power in the international system. The question that arises is: What influence does China have on the relations and the rivalry of this emerging power with America? In response to the above question, using the descriptive-analytical method and the theoretical framework of structural realism, it is hypothesized that China's empowerment and its efforts to acquire a greater role in the management of the regional and international system, the field of the rivalry between China and the United States provides a threat to America's hegemony; therefore, the United States will strive to control power and control the growth of China's power. Issues such as China's proliferation of weapons and military development, hegemony in eastern and southeastern Asia, the Taiwan issue, and the North Korean crisis have created areas of competition between China and the United States, which will ultimately lead to more conflicts and contrast of interest between the two powers.