The Effectiveness of Parent-Child Relationship therapy onSelf-Efficacy and Mother-Child Relationship
The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of child-parent relationship therapy in enhancing self-efficacy and improving mother-child relationship. The study design was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest, control group, and follow-up. The study population consisted of all mothers with 3 to 5 year-old children attending to Tehran kindergartens. 30 mothers were selected among mothers who had received low scores in Child-Parent Relationship Scale (Pianta, 1992) and Parenting Self-Agency Measure (Dumka et. al, 1996). Mothers completed the scales in pre-test, post-test and follow-up steps. The data were analyzed using repeated measurement analysis of variance. Based on the results, child-parent relationship therapy significantly increased parental self-efficacy. It also resulted in a significant increase in overall score of child-parent relationship scale and closeness dimension and a significant reduction in the dependency and conflict dimensions. It seems that child-parent relationship therapy is an effective intervention in increasing parental self-efficacy and improving child-parent relationship