Investigation of the Relationship between Geopedology and Soil Taxonomy in the Soil-Landscape Models using Conditional Probabilities
Soil maps are basic in any investigation and environmental programing activities. Immense methods try to differentiate more homogenous soil units. The geopedologic soil mapping method assumes that with a categorical disintegration of geoforms, it is enabling to gain harmonized related taxonomic level. The quantitative relationship between geopedologic and taxonomic categorization is not considered in literature, though, this paper uses statistical and conditional probability methods to quantitatively analysis the conformity between the geopedologic approach and Soil Taxonomy levels. Therefore, the geoforms of study area were differentiated and 191 soil samples were excavated and genetically described. The conditional probability of each soil categorical taxa was measured in each geopedologic category. The quantitative results showed that the soils in the studied area were affected less by parent material, or the other soil forming factors had a greater effect than the role of parent materials. Also concordant with pedodiversity analysis, the observability of taxonomic categories versus geopedologic categories is properly related and in each geopedologic category the diversity of taxonomic categories from order to family level increases or homogeneity decreases. But categorical harmonization between them is not fulfilled. In this case, the geopedologic category is not able to differentiate the related taxonomic category properly. Therefore, it is proposed that the family level is differentiated in a lower geopedologic level like phase of geomorphic surfaces. In this level the characteristics like aspect, slope curvature and type of green cover can be considered.