Comparative Analysis of the Exegetical Principles in al-Kashshaf, Ruh ol-Ma’ani, and al-Kashef about Intercession for the Sinful Muslim
“Intercession” is a common theological belief among Mushrikin (polytheists), Jews, and Muslims. This tenet has played an important role among Muslims. Since the distant past, there has been controversy among Muslim scholars and commentators on whether a sinful Muslim will benefit from intercession or not. Some negate the idea of intercession totally while some others accept it. It should be noted that these two different approaches have been effective on the exegesis of Qur’anic verses. It seems that each of the abovementioned approaches used in the exegesis of intercession verses relies on a certain principle. This study seeks to analyze the foundations of these two approaches in the exegetical books “al-Kashshaf”, Ruh ol-Ma’ani”, and “al-Kashef” which respectively represent Mu’tazilah, Ash’ari, and Shi’ite viewpoints about the Qur’an. This paper attempts to delve deep into the exegetical principles of accepting and rejecting intercession for the sinful Muslim. The results revealed that three principles (coherence of faith and act, coherence of faith and heartfelt confirmation, coherence of faith and heartfelt confirmation along with doing religious duties) have been effective on the exegetical approaches of “al-Kashshaf”, “Ruh ol-Ma’ani”, and al-Kashef” respectively.
Received: 27/5/2018 | Accepted: 30/1/2018