The Impact of Transformation on the Purification of Objects of Ritually Impure Case study of jurisprudential sentences of soap made from pig components
The widespread changes in societies and the diversification of human needs on the
one hand, and the remarkable advances in medical sciences and chemistry, on the other hand, have led to the
use of a large range of people from products whose raw materials have been considered ritually impure in
Islamic jurisprudence, including soaps made including soaps made from pig components.The question now
is whether the changes made to these materials have changed their nature and eliminated their impure?
The present research is based on descriptions and the analysis of the Islamic
jurisprudential propositions and the library method to study the subject under discussion.
In response to this question, the Islamic schools have granted permission to transformation and
therefore permit the use and sale of such soap. On the contrary, others believe that transformation is not
certain or non- transformation is established. So the ritually impure is still left. This group is divided into two
categories, some of which do not allow the use of these types of products, but others, despite the impure of
use of these products, are entitled to use them for the needs of the people and in order to obviate the distress
and constriction. It seems that among the existing narrative, the transformation and, consequently, the use
and sale of products made from pig components, is more powerful than the existing ones.
Presupposition of Jurisprudence and its Origins
Arash Ahmadi, Mohammadadel Ziaey *, Jalil Omidi, Wrya Hafidi
Journal of Comparative Studies on the Schools of Jurisprudence and its Principles, -
A Comparative Study of Iran's Advance baBnk Loans Contract With Salam Fakhi Contract and its Validity Conditions in Different Religions
Seyed Qalandar Hashemi *, Naser Marivani, Mohammad Adel Ziaei
Economic Jurisprudence Studies, -
وحدت اسلامی و امنیت در حج از منظر قرآن کریم و تفاسیر فریقین
فصلنامه میقات حج، پاییز 1401 -
Taxation in Light of the Comparative Jurisprudence of Islamic Denominations
Vali Rostami *, Ayoub Shafeipoor, Mehran Abshrini
Public Law Studies Quarterly,