Response of growth, development and yield of peanut to changes in temperature and carbon dioxide
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
In order to evaluate the effect of temperature changes at carbon dioxide concentrations on the growth, development and yield of peanuts (cultivar North Carolina 2), SSM-Peanut model was used. The SSM-peanut model was used to run different scenarios including combination of -1, -2, -3, -4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 oC changes in temperature and CO2 concentration of 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700 ppm. This study was performed using data from field experiments conducted in Astaneh Ashrafieh. Simulation were applied using actual meteorological data of the period 2007-2015 from Kiashahr Synoptic Station (37o23' N, 49o53' E) for future conditions and under all scenarios. The results showed that the temperature reduction compared to the current conditions, increased the day to the phonological stages in peanuts. So that, days to maturity increased from 135 to 166 days. However, fluctuation in temperature from 1 to 5oC decreased days to maturity from 135 to 116 days. Reducing the temperature compared to the current conditions reduced the yield of peanuts. So, in the present situation, the yield of seeds and pods decreased by 40%, with a decrease of 4°C. But increase in CO2 concentration will compensate this decrease, So that by reducing the temperature of 4 °C at the concentration of 550 ppm CO2 resulted in a 37% decrease in peanut yields. Increasing temperature of 2 °C resulted to increase grain yield and peanut pod by 8%.
Journal of Plant Ecophysiology, Volume:12 Issue: 40, 2020
1 to 17
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