The Investigation of the Estimation Precision of Infiltration Equation Parameters Based on Soil Physics Characteristics for Furrow Irrigation

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)

Furrow irrigation is the most common method of surface irrigation. However, the accurate estimation of the soil water infiltration equation is the most important challenge for evaluating this method of irrigation. In this study, a fast and simple method that is named soil intake families and presented by USDA-NRCS (RSIF), evaluated for estimation of the Kostiakove-lewis infiltration equation parameters based on soil information. Also, this method was developed based on irrigation condition and considering soil characteristics (D-RSIF). Two treatments including constant and variable inflow discharge were tested with 4 repetitions and different irrigation phases including advance, storage and recession were simulated by developed Zero-Inertia model using RSIF and D-RSIF methods. The results showed that using the zero- inertial model, the difference between simulated advance times and simulated runoff were significant at 5% level for D-RSIF and RSIF methods. For variable inflow discharge, the error of estimating runoff volume was 10%, 6%, 12% and 41% for RSIF, D-RSIF, multilevel calibration and two-point methods respectively. Also, the irrigation scheduling error, based on soil physics characteristics (RSIF) was 14% that means consuming water more than required.

Journal of Hydrology and Soil Science, Volume:23 Issue: 3, 2019
313 to 325