Anti-Rh17 Alloimmunization: A Rare Case of Severe Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn and Review of the Literature
ABO/Rh incompatibilities are common causes of hemolytic disease of newborn. Alloimmunization due to minor RBC antigens may also cause severe hemolysis and hyperbilirubinemia necessitating exchange transfusion in the early neonatal period.
Here we report a rare case (first such report to our knowledge in Iran) of severe hemolytic disease of the newborn due to anti-Rh17 antibody (an antibody to the RhCc/Ee antigen protein) in a newborn with maternal blood group BRhd
Presenting this case would improve the insight and knowledge about managing severe hemolytic anemia due to minor group alloantibodies postnatally, and highlight the importance of prenatal surveillance and diagnosis for the optimal management of alloimmune hemolytic disease.