Introducing Bitcoin and its Security Challenges
The growing trend in data and transactions in the world implies the need for fast high-security systems. For this reason, digital exchange has attracted the attention of researchers over the past few years. The Bitcoin is the first digital currency to be offered and operates on the block chain. The demand for using Bitcoin is now high due to the special features of digital currencies. Specifically, the most important feature of these currencies, and in particular the Bitcoin is decentralization, which does not require a trustworthy intermediary for security matters. In this paper, while introducing Bitcoins and the mechanisms for producing this digital currency, we will examine its security against attacks. Specifically, this article examines challenges such as attack and anonymity in Bitcoin. Understanding the challenges and characteristics of digital currencies especially Bitcoin, can help us understand the challenges and opportunities ahead in this area. Using Bitcoin is surprisingly increasing in our country, and because in case of any threats or attacks, this could potentially cause severe weakness in some parts of country’s economy, studies such as the present research appear indispensable in the field of passive defense.