Balance of Oppositions as a Philosophical Base of Maximilian Voloshin’s Life and Creativity
The article deals with the main characteristic of the worldview and creativity of M.A. Voloshin is about the harmony of his world as a balance of opposites. This principle is supposed to work at all levels of being. First, it is given in the personality of the poet: as the width of his soul and spiritual infinity on one hand and the discipline and self-restriction on the other. In the totality of the world there are the oppositions of God and devil and the opposition of two devils as making the balance of the whole world. The world itself as a system of strong balances. In history there are two streams of time, “flowering and break-up”. When the balance is disrupted the catastrophe happens, and this is obvious in Russian Revolution. But Voloshin believes that the process of destruction is limited and opposed by the principle of Love.