Atricaria chamomilla essential oil with physical training improves passive avoidance memory of Wistar rats
Learning and memory play a key role in daily human life. Memory is the basis of all teaching and training programs. Identification of compounds that improve learning and memory would be helpful for people with mental and memory impairment. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of physical training and essential oil (EO) of Matricaria chamomilla on passive avoidance memory in rats.
Forty-six rats (250-300g) were randomly divided into 6 groups of 8 animals, including control group, group that received 50 mg/kg M. chamomilla EO, group that received 75mg/kg M. chamomilla EO, group that received physical training +50 mg/kg M. chamomilla EO, groups that received physical training +75 mg/kg M. chamomilla EO. Animals were treated with physical training and M. chamomilla EO for 10 days. Passive avoidance learning was evaluated after the 6th EO administration for 4 days using shuttle box apparatus. Blood samples were then collected and serum antioxidant capacity was determined.
In passive avoidance test, there was no significant difference between experimental groups in initial latency. The secondary latency in groups receiving 75 mg/kg EO, physical training, physical training+50 mg/kg EO and physical training +75 mg/kg EO was significantly higher than the control group. Serum antioxidant capacity in physical training and physical training +75 mg/kg EO groups were higher than the control group.
Physical training and chamomile essential oil alone or in combination improve learning and memory in rats.