Proposing a game-theoretic approach for cooperative multi-echelon fuzzy supply chain with discount and marketing costs
Emphasizing the importance of competition and cooperation in supply chains promote the revitalization of game theory as a convenient tool for analyzing interactions, as well as how it affects the different levels of cooperation and coordination in a supply chain. Therefore, using the game theory concept, and based on a side-contract of partnership in profits and marketing costs, in which profit is shared between all the chain levels’ members and marketing expenses is shared between producer and retailer, a cooperation model has been designed with the aim of maximizing the supply chain profit.In this research for the first time in fuzzy enviormet and with considering discount costs, a mathematical modeling is proposed in which to get closer to real conditions, marketing cost is considered as a triangular fuzzy number. The proposed model has been solved using Genetic algorithm (GA), simulated annealing algorithm (SA) and a hybrid algorithm based on GA-SA, for some random examples, and the model has been validated using GAMS software.
Open Shop Scheduling with Assembly Stage: Gray Wolf Algorithm and Lagrangian Relaxation
Abolfazl Yousefi Saeed, *
Journal of Industrial Engineering Research in Production Systems, -
Virtual alliance in hospital network for operating room scheduling: Benders decomposition
Mahdis Lotfi, *
Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, Summer and Autumn 2024