Infallibility of the Prophets: Its Nature and Limitations in the Commentary of Al-Mizan and the Commentary of Min Wahy al-Qur’ān

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
In this article, we examine and evaluate the theological perspective of the two prominent Shiite commentators, Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i and Sayyid Mohammad Husayn Fadlallah, on the infallibility of divine prophets and other related issues, which are reflected in the Quranic interpretations of these two interpreters, and thereby present a view that is stronger and closer to reality. The views of the aforementioned scholars on analysing and explaining the reality of infallibility, in spite of having some similarity and closeness, differ in expressing and evidencing the reality of infallibility. Concerning the timing of the infallibility of the prophets, there is no difference between the two scholars and the two theories are in complete agreement with each other. However, with regards to the subject area and the realm of infallibility, with a profound look and analysis of the expressions contained in these interpretations, there are clear and profound disagreements, and certainly, for each of these views, it is possible to find some parallel intellectual works in various Islamic schools of thought. The authors of this study, while carefully analysing the views expressed and considering the arguments of both scholars, view Tabataba’i's viewpoint on conflicting issues to be consistent, more convincing and sometimes closer to innovation.
Journal of Imamiyyah Studies, Volume:5 Issue: 10, 2020
92 to 118