The Relationship Between Family Communication Patterns, Attachment Styles And Happiness In Female Students Of Islamic Azad University Of Andimeshk
The purpose of the present study was to determine the level of relationship between family communication patterns (conversation orientation and conformity orientation), and attachment styles (secure, insecure-ambivalent and insecure-avoidant) in female students of Andimeshk Islamic Azad University. The population comprised all the female students studying in Islamic Azad University, Andimeshk branch, out of whom a sample of 322 girls was selected using a random multistage sampling. The research employed descriptive-correlational method. The research’s data gathering tools included Koerner & Fitzpatrick Family Communication Patterns Questionnaire (children's version) (2002), Attachment Styles Questionnaire by Kolinz & Reed (1990) and Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (revised version) (2002). Pearson correlation analysis and step-wise regressions were used in order to analyze the data. Results indicated that conversation and conformity orientation and happiness are significantly and positively correlated to one another. Moreover, there existed significant and positive relationship between secure attachment style and happiness; whereas, significant and negative relationship was observed between avoidant and ambivalent attachment styles and happiness. Furthermore, according to the results of step-wise regression analysis, secure attachment styles, conversation orientation and conformity orientation are the best predictors of happiness, respectively.