Reviewing Human Development Indices with Focus on Sex Discrimination in Rural Regions
Most women in the world need fundamental support to function in human life. There exist regional differences in access to development benefits based on gender in Iran. This study intended to analyze sex discrimination index, the index for the two sexes were used to demonstrate gender inequality. The current research was a field study, in which the rural areas of suburb regions of Bawi city were taken in concern. In this study, the main indices, including the index of public education, per capita income and life expectancy were discussed. The measures were adapted to Bawi city in 1390. The villages of the city according to preliminary information from 1385 to 1390, had made enormous progress . With an area of 95,477 hectares and a population of 89,160 individuals the understudied regions located at East of Ahwaz city. The findings showed that there were some promotions in some of the development measures and there were also some criteria showing non developed indices. One of these indices was gender discrimination, though not all differences between men and women, were clearly visible either in education and incomes, but in all cases the superiority of men over women were obvious.