A Critical Examination of Al-Ḳefārī’s Misgivings in Encounter with the Existential Guardianship of the Imams
The wilāyah (guardianship) of the Pure Imams is amongst the basic Shi’a beliefs. Wilayah has some types that one type is the “exixtential” (takwīnī) wilayah. It means the ability to act and conquest in the universe and world which, by nearness to the Divine and with the divine will and permission, wallī (the saint) will receive it. Proving the “exixtential” wilāyah for Imams, the present writing tries to criticize Naser al-Ḳefārī’s misgiving in this regard. The data collected in library and the method of research and thinking is analytic-critical. By the examination of the Qur’anic verses and narrations it has been proved that “exixtential” wilāyah of the Imams is right and presumed and, considering that such guardianship is divinely allowed and willed and it is not as an autonomous, it is not incoherent with monotheism and divine Guardianship. Most of al-Ḳefārī’s misgivings are also raised of ignoring this point.
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تطور تاریخی و عقیدتی سلسله علاویه
مرتضی خسرو شاهی*،
نشریه مطالعات عرفانی، بهار و تابستان 1401 -
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