The Function of the Fatimid Dar al-Ilm in Teaching the Sciences and Propagating the Islmaili Teachings
One of the most important cultural and civilizational activities in the Shiite government of the Fatimids (297-567) was the establishment of a scientific center called "Dar al-Ilm" along other scientific and cultural centers. Analyzing the functional aspects of this scientific center can present a suitable model to the Muslims who are in the path of reaching the modern civilization. Analyzing this issue by using descriptive-analytical method shows that this scientific center which was established at the time of al-Hakim bi Amrillah (389-411) the sixth Fatimid caliph, had various functions. Teaching different sciences like jurisprudence, recitation, astronomy, grammar, mathematics and logics was among the duties of this scientific center. One of the most significant functions of Dar al-Ilm was its propagating aspect. Ismaili propounders who managed this scientific center, in line with the policy of Ismaili government of the Fatimids, planned the affairs of Ismaili invitation and propagation in this center. The existence of a huge library in this scientific center, in line with facilitating the affairs of teaching and propagation, has been very valuable.
Ghulat of the time of Imam Hasan Askari and notice of a mistake
Yadollah Hajizadeh *
Biquarterly Journal Sokhanetarikh, -
The Effectiveness of Khattabiyeh by Abu al-Khattab and the Study of Its Reasons
Yadullah Haji Zadeh
Journal of the History of Islam,