Methodological Assessment of Ijtihadic Empirical Model for Producing Islamic Based Social Sciences
The Ijtehdic-Empirical model is one of the presented models for producing religion-based sciences. This model is based on a theoretical framework and the ijtihadic methodology with the commitment to the empirical judgment of the propositions, using religious texts to produce religion-based sciences.This research, by acknowledging the epistemic-cultural and ethical necessity of the production of religion-based sciences, has tried to study the Ijtihadic-Empirical model in a descriptive analytical way. It seems that explanation the stages of theorizing, solving the problem of proposing, trying to understand and compete with the rival paradigms of social sciences and paying attention to the different dimensions of science production are the most important privileges of this model. In addition, the ambiguity in the synthesis of different paradigms, the problem in separation and rating in knowledge, the ambiguity in being knowledge of meta-exprimantal part of knowledge and the ambiguity in using of creative propositions are the most important shortcomings aspects of this model